This bag is simply beautiful! I am so thankful for this lovely bag. I used to own several Lady Dior and Lady D-Lite bags, but I sold them.
This looks and feels so similar to my old D-Lite bags. The hardware is the champagne gold hardware, and the handles stand like the real bags do. The handles also have the same feel to the authentic as to the thickness and substance, though I have not compared the shape 1:1 to the authentic bag. The bag is not all clanky and noisy like a lot of the fakes at the markets usually are, so it leads me to believe that the grommets are tight. I did not own this particular embroidery pattern, so I cannot vouch for the authenticity of it, but it feels great. Thank you.
Reviews (1)
This looks and feels so similar to my old D-Lite bags. The hardware is the champagne gold hardware, and the handles stand like the real bags do. The handles also have the same feel to the authentic as to the thickness and substance, though I have not compared the shape 1:1 to the authentic bag. The bag is not all clanky and noisy like a lot of the fakes at the markets usually are, so it leads me to believe that the grommets are tight. I did not own this particular embroidery pattern, so I cannot vouch for the authenticity of it, but it feels great. Thank you.