I am very very VERY ecstatic over this bag still and I have had it for over a month. I have used it everyday for the past 30 days and not lightly.. I take it everywhere I go and it still looks the same as when I unwrapped it the first day. The only thing that I might have changed on it is the LV logo in the corner seems a little large making it so someone might be able to tell that it is a rep. And being a more quiet luxury style bag, that does seem to pop out. The tag also I don’t know if it’s the font or the extra “made in France” the first two lines which wasn’t necessary, but that also causes so attention. Besides that, the material is HIGH QUALITY! Even more beautiful in person!! Oh and I was blown away by the lock and key and how good that was!! Happy customer! Referred all of my friends :)
Reviews (1)